Finishing School and Deputy Dean

macam comel je guna perkataan SCHOOL kat universiti kan. dulu time ayah aku sambung master kat UPM, tag nama adalah tulis "school of agriculture"
baru-baru ramai kawan duk post kat fb pasal finishing school. priority in TPM @ young scheme lecturer is given to those who are attending finishing school 3 days in a row. harus lah aku pergi kann..

tapi. macam biasa laaa, bila organize program ni, first day, mesti dengar ceramah kat dewan besarrr. kalau ceramah ni, aku suka duduk tengah2. boleh tidoooo. ^_____________^

second day, LDK. aku rasa kat dunia ni, aku pernah lagi jumpa orang yang suka pergi LDK. muahaha tapi tak pe.. harus pergi. hehe support la program faculty. nanti dah habis blaja, terindu2 lak nak join kan.

third day, syok gak la. job attack. mmg byk company yg participate. boleh la nak deposit resume kat semua booth. huuuuuuuu

sabtu tu, aku pi lambat sket laa. sebab kan ada interview kt tempat lain. huuuu

 excited je tgk prof. aku igt kan kawan aku, sebab kawan aku pon ada pakai nick prof. huuhu

paling best, deputy dean balas. maklum laaa. deputy dean sibuk kottt. haha even short note je pon dia balas kan. :)

1 comment:

Ina said...

Tdow agi besyh !!